Almost! It's close. I would say that many of the high points in the franchise are in Korra. If you go in expecting it to be Avatar 2, you're likely to be disappointed, but if you go in hoping for a different way of exploring that same universe, it's pretty amazing in most regards. I like the darkness it adds into the series, and the way that it does feel a bit more catered to adults in a lot of way. Season 2 was pretty dreadful, and I haven't quite forgiven them for that I'll admit. But 1 and 3 were spectacular in my eyes. Amman and Zahir make Firelord Ozai look one-dimensional by comparison. Kuvira played by the daughter of Robin Williams is another highlight, but ultimately didn't love the end of that season either. I do find ATLA far more cohesive all around.
I'm also a huge studio ghibli fan, but there are many of them I still haven't seen! Which are your favorite? iCarly I think has aged better than any of the teennick shows. Way ahead of its time honestly. Feels like it takes place in a slightly more digital era than the one it actually realesed during. The reboot was a pretty smart idea, and though I didn't make it far into it, enjoyed the little of it I saw lol. Definitely ot one of the worse reboots of recent years.