Another truly fascinating piece, Kendalin. I've had a lot of the same experiences in my dreams. I've also recently become pretty convinced that in dreams, time truly doesn't function in the same way as in waking life. Did you know that more and more physicists are starting to believe that time is actually non-linear? In our lives, though, I think it's only in dreams (and occasionally on strong psychedelics) that we actually ever get a glimpse into that.
I just had a lucid dream last night where I got to visit my dead dog again. Each time I see someone or some creature who's past away, it feels pretty hard to deny that it's really them that I'm seeing. I don't like to speak with any certainty about dreams, but they're really changed my beliefs about the soul and the world of the supernatural.
Interestingly, cellphones and screens are a huge part of my dreams! I've heard it's only a small minority of people who see them, but sometimes I'll have such vivid text conversations in that I'll wake up and wonder where they've gone lol.
Lucid dreaming has been one of my favorite subjects to write about on Medium. But like with dreams in general, it can be a little hard to generate interest/readership for them. I've always been so frustrated by the general closed-minded attitude that people have toward dreams. It's fascinating what the mind can do. It's hard to believe lucid dreaming is even an ability that people can develop, and that so few ever would. I couldn't do it until just two years ago myself. Thanks so much for sharing, Kendalin!