Hi, Joanna! I understand where you're coming from and see why you might have taken offense to some of my words. I don't think you fully understood my perspective. It's a little frustrating to me that you could read what I've said here and find it "eminently clear" where my alliances lay.
It's certainly not with the Matt Walshes, Ben Shapiros and Jordan Petersons. There's no part of me that doubts the trans experience is real or that trans people deserve recognition and representation. I think the laws being passed against them are disgusting and I think it's outrageous how many people fall into the belief that "it's impossible to be a male in a woman's body." The thinking is ridiculous.
But the acknowledgement that there's a middle ground between that stance and some of the more vocal members of your community isn't always met well. So much of the point I was trying to make here was that it's possible to conscientiously object to some elements of the movement while still believing in the validity of the trans experience.
I actually do understand the difference between transgender and non-binary. Sorry if I could have stated that a bit more clearly. This terminology is something that's still new and there are many well-intentioned people who aren't well-versed in these distinctions yet. Even some of my LGBTQ+ friends struggle a bit with some of the nuance between terms. I wouldn't interpret it as apathy.
On that Chapelle note, I see what you're saying about his platform, but that wasn't the point I was making there. I think his opinion on the subject is more nuanced than many might realize and there were points he raised in his various specials that weren't just funny or mean-spirited, but insightful. He raised valid points when he compared the trans movement for acceptance to the black one.
If what you're fighting for is the belief that trans people deserve to feel safe and comfortable in their skin, you could hardly find more support from me. If what you're fighting for is the idea that Chapelle and Rowling don't deserve a platform, I take some issue. I don't think you're at all right with your assessment that I would have opposed the civil rights movement.
The point I made about the ants wasn't to say that the transgender people have provoked conservatives. I think the right wing has a lot more fault there actually. The point I was making was that when things change quickly, people can become hostile. I think there's a lot of that at play here.
All and all, though, my stance on this issue isn't a hill I want to die on. There were over 250 articles that I wrote before even sharing my thoughts here. My belief that there's some fault with the movement doesn't even rank into my top 100 concerns about the issues that ail us as a species. I shared my thoughts because it's been a popular topic of conversation recently. My thought that trans people are slightly more vocal purveyors of cancel culture I don't think is completely unfounded, but it's not a belief that's a fundamental part of who I am. I think also that there's some sense in the idea that there can be social factors at play in our identity, but that doesn't mean I think everyone who says that they're trans are deluded or lying. These aren't beliefs that make me an enemy to your cause. I think this is one of the most complicated equality struggles that humanity has faced yet. I'd love if you could explore who I am a bit more before deciding that I'm hateful or intolerant.