I always admire the amount of thought and work that goes into everything you publish. Even the title image here I loved. Another brilliant and thoughtful piece about some incredibly complicated issues.
A couple thoughts: I remember reading this article around the time of the 2020 election about what happened to someone's facebook account when, after opening it from scratch and only liking Donald Trump's campaign page. Within weeks it had devolved into something absolutely raving and conspiratorial.
Second: Isn't it tragic how much the pandemic seems to have changed our relationship to technology? The very first piece I published to Medium in 2019 was about the issue: https://medium.com/p/ede743e55c97 It's hard to believe that it's only grown worse in every regard since then. Hopefully the piece hasn't aged too awfully. My writing has changed quite a bit since then.
Thanks for inspiring my tangent and sending this one in, Patricia!