I have a feeling this one will be breaking your record! Very honored to be the fiftieth fan of the article, too lol.
Typically for me, my earnings tend to ramp up as the month progresses, even if my views and read times don't. Hopefully this can be your first $20 earning piece! I've only had five or six earn above $10 actually. To earn $2K+ from a single piece could have hardly been more surprising.
I'm not sure if I saw Robin's post actually! Do you remember the title?
I'm personally glad Medium doesn't distribute articles about the platform. I've written my share and I've certainly enjoyed reading quite a few (this one included), but it's hard for me to imagine the appeal of those articles extending beyond Medium itself. I get the impression each piece that's boosted Medium expects to reach external viewers, too. I thought it was a wise move. I think it's a good middle ground between that and the total demonetization of those articles that I'd heard floated a few months back.