I really like the shrines in botw and totk for most part! It’s the dungeons where it kinda loses me lol. I think that was where i got bogged down in twilight princess, too.
It takes two i actually have and played! Me and my ex got maybe and hour or two into it and I was feeling pretty neutral on it. I found myself wishing i could just play 1 player on the full screen lol. Maybe I should revisit that one because i’ve heard nothing but positive.
I have a similar problem with buying games and not starting them 😂 it wasn’t until lockdown that i ever tried any of these bigger, more adult games and open world rpgs. The last of us series, horizon zero dawn/forbidden west, botw and ghost of tsushima were my first few.
Wolfenstein has been on my list for awhile, too but i haven’t committed yet! I downloaded it awhile ago. Overwatch, thw witcher 3, genshin impact and RDR2 also. I started that last one but got a little daunted by the lack of guidance. I definitely feel like a bit of a slow learner when it comes to a lot of games.