I really liked that final article you included. That bingo card is brilliant. I think about 90% of the points on there she’s right to call bs. I think she’d probably be willing to admit there’s some nuance or validity to a couple of those points on the card. The social contagion argument, for example, doesn’t seem completely baseless.
The vox article I had actually read but forgotten some of the details of. There’s certainly an argument to be made that she’s trans-phobic but for me I still don’t get the impression that she see’s a trans person on the street and automatically fears or hates them. I think also that it’s possible to like a tweet without wholeheartedly endorsing the article embedded. But even if she were, a lot more of my point is that the stance that harry potter books should be burned and her legacy erased is going too far.
That first article I didn’t feel as though brought anything new to that Dave Chapelle debate. She’s offended with the jokes he made about trans people. It would be no challenge at all for me to find him making jokes in a similar vain about other minority groups. They were off-color but still funny in the same exact way as so many of the other offensive jokes of his comedy career. I still think the calls for his cancellation were inappropriate.