It's a little frustrating to have this be my recent political article that goes viral-ish. I'm used to fending myself off from a few Trump supporters and getting mostly praise from people on my side of the aisle, but this piece has been just the opposite. I'd be very curious to get your thoughts on any of my pre-election political articles if you have the time. I think that they're a lot truer to my actual level of paranoia on the issue. Truthfully, I'm so petrified of another Trump presidency that I'm not above moving countries, but there was a therapeutic value for me in exploring the possibility that the worst of my fears could be overblown. I don't expect that many of them are, but I think some of these arguments for how they may be do hold some weight. If there was a most important point from the piece, though, I think it's that we should prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
I hope that clarifies where I stand a little. I fear you may have judged my writing a little prematurely. And I can understand why. I think anything said even vaguely in Trump's favor might appear like I'm downplaying the threats he poses. That's not my intention. I never argue that those threats aren't real. I just hope that I can give people some sense of relief without telling them to turn off their alarm bells just yet either.