I’ve actually gone a month cellphone and social media free before. I was shocked at how quickly i was able to revert back once the month was over actually.
Something that can be a little frustrating about the social media epidemic is that it’s not something we can always expect people who grew up without cellphones to fully understand the weight of.
In the same way that I can’t know what it’s like for babies who are born addicted to crack, people above a certain age won’t understand what it was like to grow up with a dopamine delivery mechanism in their pocket since middle school. Many of us have been redosing on a highly addictive substance on a near minutely basis for the majority of our lives and none of us realized what we were signing up for. There’s just no real comparison in human history to this transition.
Additionally, as more and more marketing as a creative depends on a social media presence, it’s only grown harder to fully step away from as time has gone on. I wish I could remove all of this from my life completely, but it’s not as easy as you might think.
Thanks for reading!