Nothing wrong with being loyal or a loyalist! I really enjoy all the disagreeing comments I've gotten on this one. It really seems like very few people do agree.
But to me, hearing people arguing for practical effects over CGI feels like people arguing that "talkies will never catch on!" or "Who needs movies in color?" I view CGI as the logical progression, and that there's no objective fault in using computer graphics to create something that would be difficult with practical effects alone. I can still admire expertise in that department, but believing it as real will tend to require much more of a suspension of disbelief on my end than the more modern alternative.
I'm glad I can say that this rule isn't uniformly true for me and that there are plenty of movies from the past, but by and large, this correlation is something that holds pretty true for me. The further back into the history of film I go, the easier it becomes for my ADD-addled brain to get disengaged and distracted. I wish it weren't the case!