Thank you so much, Liberty! I always used to be very cynical when I was younger about the possibility of a spirit world or anything beyond wheat we know through science. It's something I've really done a full 180 on after some of the experiences I've had. I still have my issues with organized religion, but I'm pretty fully convinced there's a world beyond what we can see.
That's fascinating what you said about that childhood psychic experience of yours. I'm so sorry that that happened.
I've never had anything happen with in a dream that felt prophetic, but I definitely have powerful sensations of deja vu from time to time. So what does honing the skill of being a medium look like exactly? I'm very curious to learn more. Do you think it's something anyone can develop, or that it's a talent people are born with?
Thanks again for the kind words! Very curious to hear your thoughts! I'll definitely be reading some more of your work as well.
*Hugs once again*