The rules around title capitalization are so silly. I try to get it right myself, but I'm totally sympathetic with anyone who doesn't. Who invents these rules anyway? It's not even all small words that don't get capitalized! I thought it was funny to learn recently that "Be" is captialized, but "is" isn't. <-- And back on linking verbs, exactly how is a sentence like that possible without the word "is"? English is silly and half of English educators I think are just sadists.
Anyway, on an unrelated note, I think I added you as a writer for "Thought Thinkers" awhile ago back when the publication was under its previous name. I'd love it if you ever sent some of your drafts our way! We've been putting a bit more energy into the growth of the publication and trying to cultivate a higher standard of writing. So your contributions would be more than welcome.
Hope you're doing well!