This has turned into a really interesting series of pieces to write. What’s unique about these last two, is that I really am just laying out the cases. I don’t think that my optimistic scenario of my previous article will come to fruition, but I think there’s a strong argument to be made that it’s possible. Equally here, I think a lot of what I’m saying is true, and what the issues I speak about are deeply problematic, but that doesn’t mean I’d snap my fingers and plunge our nation into 10 years of anarchy in the hopes what comes next might be better.
Of course there have been those times in history where that’s happened. I’d argue that maybe as many if not more problems arise from our constitution that’s ostensibly decorative at this point. Our politicians don’t believe in it and our people don’t understand it, and it’s hard to overstate how colossal that problem is. But very often, I’ll admit I don’t have the knowledge to guide people toward any real, tangible solutions when the issues are so wildly complicated. My most successful piece on medium to date is a great example of that. My closing thesis is essentially “this AI situation is a clusterfuck and I’m clueless about how to fix it.” Here I realize I can’t do much better. I see the problem, but the solutions are long and onerous but still not unworth beginning to talk about if you ask me. A lot of my thinking here is that collapse just may occur, and we shouldn’t deny the possibility. But there’s no part of me that wants any first shots fired.
My next political piece will unironically be called the case for tyranny, where I argue about why having an awful leader like trump may just be better than all of the calamity of civil war or anarchy. I think tyranny could lead to revolution or collapse, but it could also be far less costly in terms of lives, too. It definitely feels like a pivotal moment in history any way I cut it, and it’s been interesting thinking about where exactly we are as a nation and what could happen next.
As always, the comments are very welcome! Hope I clarified my stance a bit.